News and Announcements
From Sensei Wong: 2020 Resolutions
I hear many people making fun of New Year resolutions that people make. The gyms fill up, as all types of exercise clubs have a rush of new patrons, vowing to fulfill the new stated resolution. I have even talked with some acquaintances saying that they will not be going to the gym for a few weeks until after the newbies give up and leave. Whether the resolution is for weight loss, conditioning or whatever, I think it is better to make a resolution than not. Sure, there can be the likelihood of quitting after a few weeks and getting back into the same rut, but there is a possibility that the person may kick start a new habit and follow through with a meaningful regimen and fulfill their goals, or resolutions, that they had set for themselves. If you have not been training, or not training seriously, at the dojo, perhaps it' time to set a new resolution. Set some higher goals for yourself, whether it be to get more flexible, to lose weight, to gain speed, to become better in kumite/kata, learn that new kata or even to achieve the next belt. It is better to set goals and possibly fail, than to not set any goals and succeed thereby not advancing yourself. Remember to "Endeavor to Excel" in all areas of your life, strive to be better in all you do.
Sensei Wong
Rank Test Results
Congratulations to the following students on passing their testing:
Kaedyn Biltz 9th Kyu Orange Belt
Jayce Biltz 9th Kyu Orange Belt
Joe Quesada 8th Kyu Blue Belt
SKIF Merchandise Order
SKI-USF is now accepting orders for gi and belts. Contact Sensei Wong for more info.
Japan Ways Merchandise
Japan Ways sweatshirts and t-shirts are still at 20% discount till January 31st. Supplies and sizes are going quickly, check with the front desk to purchase.
Next Rank Test: The next rank test is scheduled for April, however, there is a possibility that testing for yellow belt may be held sooner. Notices will be posted at the dojo.
Event Photos:
Pictures from our past events are available for view on the “PICTURES” page of this website.
SKI-USF Custom Belts and Gis
SKI-USF will be putting together an order to Japan for SKIF for custom gi/belt orders. Contact Sensei Wong for more info or pricing sheets.
Required Safety Gear
All students must bring mouth guards and kumite hand guards to each class. All males must wear athletic cups. If you do not have the safety gear, you will be asked to sit during kumite drill and training.
Saturday Morning Training
Those interested in early morning training on Saturdays at 8:00 am, contact Sensei Martin for requirements. Regular classes on Saturdays continue at 10:00am and 11:00am.
Membership fees are due and collectable the first week of the month. Please bring past dues current!
Required for Rank Tests
Passbooks and uniform patches are required for all students testing for rank. Both may be purchased at the front desk in the dojo.
Pictures of Past Events
Photos of past events are available at the pictures link on this website.
SKI-USF will be putting together an order to Japan for SKIF for custom gi/belt orders. Contact Sensei Wong for more info or pricing sheets.
Required Safety Gear
All students must bring mouth guards and kumite hand guards to each class. All males must wear athletic cups. If you do not have the safety gear, you will be asked to sit during kumite drill and training.
Saturday Morning Training
Those interested in early morning training on Saturdays at 8:00 am, contact Sensei Martin for requirements. Regular classes on Saturdays continue at 10:00am and 11:00am.
Membership fees are due and collectable the first week of the month. Please bring past dues current!
Required for Rank Tests
Passbooks and uniform patches are required for all students testing for rank. Both may be purchased at the front desk in the dojo.
Pictures of Past Events
Photos of past events are available at the pictures link on this website.