News and Announcements
8 Years of Shotokan Karate
August 11th is our dojo's completion of 8 years at our current location. We will be entering our 9th year of teaching traditional Shotokan Karate-Do!
Next Rank Test
Rank testing will be held on August 27th at 12:00pm. Keep training and come ready!
Labor Day
The dojo will be closed on Labor Day, Monday September 5th.
Kama Are Available
Kama are now in limited supply in both wood and steel. See the front desk if you would like to purchase a pair (cases available too).
Upcoming Demonstration
The St. Anthony's demonstration event will be September 25th - the exact time not yet set. If you are interested in performing at this event, please let Sensei Wong or Sensei Martin know.
Wednesday Schedule Change
Reminder that Wednesday weapons class has been split into a weapons beginner basics class, which follows the beginner karate class, at 6:30pm and an advanced class which follows the intermediate class at 7:45pm.
June Rank Test pictures are now posted. Sorry for the delay.
Dojo BBQ pictures will be open soon!
August 11th is our dojo's completion of 8 years at our current location. We will be entering our 9th year of teaching traditional Shotokan Karate-Do!
Next Rank Test
Rank testing will be held on August 27th at 12:00pm. Keep training and come ready!
Labor Day
The dojo will be closed on Labor Day, Monday September 5th.
Kama Are Available
Kama are now in limited supply in both wood and steel. See the front desk if you would like to purchase a pair (cases available too).
Upcoming Demonstration
The St. Anthony's demonstration event will be September 25th - the exact time not yet set. If you are interested in performing at this event, please let Sensei Wong or Sensei Martin know.
Wednesday Schedule Change
Reminder that Wednesday weapons class has been split into a weapons beginner basics class, which follows the beginner karate class, at 6:30pm and an advanced class which follows the intermediate class at 7:45pm.
June Rank Test pictures are now posted. Sorry for the delay.
Dojo BBQ pictures will be open soon!