News and Announcements
Shinzen Garden Demonstration
A special thanks to all of the students and teaching staff who participated at the Shinzen Garden at Woodward Park. We had many good compliments and I think all did a good job, especially considering our one time practice session. Oss! Sensei Wong
Sensei Kwok's Instructor Class
We would like to thank Sensei Kwok for his excellent Instructor Class given on the 17th. We are very privileged to have a Chief Instructor with such a depth of knowledge. We hope to have Sensei Kwok return in February 2016.
Yudansha Gi and Belt Orders
Final call for gi and belt orders to SKIF Japan for black belt members of Japan Ways. Contact Sensei Wong to finalize your order.
Sensei Fumitoshi Kanazawa At Japan Ways
Sensei Fumitoshi Kanazawa, 5th Dan, will be teaching at our dojo on November 14th, Saturday afternoon. Sensei Kanazawa is one of the Honbu (SKIF Headquarters) instructors and will be traveling from Japan to bring us world class instruction. Students of all ranks may take specified classes and it is highly recommended. Class times and the registration form can be found on our Special Announcements Page; or you can click here.
Rank Test
Rank test for 10th Kyu-4th Kyu will be held November 21st at 12:00pm. Testing students must arrive by 11:45am.
Turkey Burn
The 8th Annual Turkey Burn Class will be held on Wed. November 25th during the 6:30pm intermediate class. This class is open to all ranks. The class will be taught by Senpai Ferraro this year.
Thanksgiving Holiday
The dojo will be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday from November 26th thru the 28th (Thur.,Fri., Sat.).
Dojo Christmas Party
The 8th Annual Dojo Christmas Party will be held on December 12th, Saturday at the Linnemans. Mark your calendars.
Dojo Website
Please visit our pictures page for links to picture galleries of the previous events (Dojo BBQ, Kancho Kanazawa Seminar, Rank Tests and more). Also, check out the new calendar feature which lists upcoming events and activities making it easier for you to schedule on your calendar. Pictures of the St. Anthony demo are now posted. The pictures from the Zenshin Gardens demo are now posted and will be opened soon. Please check back.
SKI-USF Custom Belts and Gis
SKI-USF will be putting together an order to Japan for SKIF for custom gi/belt orders. Contact Sensei Wong for more info or pricing sheets.
Required Safety Gear
All students must bring mouth guards and kumite hand guards to each class. All males must wear athletic cups. If you do not have the safety gear, you will be asked to sit during kumite drill and training.
Saturday Morning Training
Those interested in early morning training on Saturdays at 8:00 am, contact Sensei Martin for requirements. Regular classes on Saturdays continue at 10:00am and 11:00am.
Membership fees are due and collectable the first week of the month. Please bring past dues current!
Required for Rank Tests
Passbooks and uniform patches are required for all students testing for rank. Both may be purchased at the front desk in the dojo.
Pictures of Past Events
Photos of past events are available at the pictures link on this website.
SKI-USF will be putting together an order to Japan for SKIF for custom gi/belt orders. Contact Sensei Wong for more info or pricing sheets.
Required Safety Gear
All students must bring mouth guards and kumite hand guards to each class. All males must wear athletic cups. If you do not have the safety gear, you will be asked to sit during kumite drill and training.
Saturday Morning Training
Those interested in early morning training on Saturdays at 8:00 am, contact Sensei Martin for requirements. Regular classes on Saturdays continue at 10:00am and 11:00am.
Membership fees are due and collectable the first week of the month. Please bring past dues current!
Required for Rank Tests
Passbooks and uniform patches are required for all students testing for rank. Both may be purchased at the front desk in the dojo.
Pictures of Past Events
Photos of past events are available at the pictures link on this website.